40 years ago was…1983.
Wow. Let’s take a look back…
Starting from a garage in 1983, to a two-truck operation in the 1990s, to over 100 employees and three facilities today, RAM Iron & Metal has grown up. And it’s thanks to you!

When Emilio Racco started his home-based recycling operation in 1983, Return of the Jedi was the hit movie, Magnum PI was the hottest thing on TV and The Police, Every Breath You Take was all over the airwaves. Anyone remember those days?

With a small business and a young family to manage, Emilio never imagined that RAM would grow to the size it is today. But that was before sons Paul, Peter, and Andrew joined the business. Together, families can do amazing things.
Success doesn’t happen magically. It’s the result of a concerted effort. We figure that if we treat our customers, our employees and our partners like family, we’ll all do well—together. We have been accused of being “customer-obsessed”. We’re happy with that. Thank YOU for being part of the RAM family and helping us become who we are today!
Our Dedicated Team
When you surround yourself with great people, a strong team forms, and you are bound to do well. That’s the story of RAM. Together, we rock!
We have a very dedicated, very resilient team. When the pandemic hit, for example, we were able to trust in our people. As “essential workers”, they pushed forward and overcame that challenge. Not able to work from home, health and safety protocols increased in all areas, including touchless digital transactions to keep everyone safe. That crisis brought us closer together as we took care of each other. That’s what family does.
Our Purpose
Recycling Leads to Sustainability. Sustainability ensures a strong future for our children and our communities. Contributing to the sustainability of our planet is a central part of our business philosophy and culture. In every decision we make, we ask ourselves, ‘Can we do this more efficiently, lowering the impact of our carbon footprint’? That has led to some great improvements over the past few years. As stewards of the environment, we’ll continue to find ways to decarbonize our processes, to surpass our current ISO Environmental standards. The reuse of scrap metal reduces pollution and energy consumption. We are proud to be a part of the recycling industry, making a positive impact towards the Green Movement.
Our Partners
Businesses are stronger because of their partnerships. You help us to flourish. That’s why we want to thank our partners for trusting us, for working hard together with RAM and for pushing our business forward. We do not take our relationships for granted. We are humbled by the achievements we have collectively earned over the years and thankful that we took this journey together with you. Thank you, once again, for a great 40 years. We couldn’t have done it without you.
Our Community
Lastly, we’ve always valued community and supporting others who are less fortunate. Philanthropy has always been a prominent piece of our founder Emilio’s vision, and he’s made sure that we carry it forward. We’re very happy to be in the business we’ve chosen. It has allowed us to support our community partners today and into the future.
Here’s to the next 40. Wishing you all the best!
Get in touch
Thanks for staying with us. Why not drop us a line or give us a call. We would love to hear from you!
The RAM Team