Health & Safety Policy
Our Commitment to Safety

Ram Iron & Metal Inc. is committed to continuously improving the health and safety of workers and the environment. Recognizing that health and safety is a shared responsibility between management and workers, the achievement of this policy requires the full cooperation from everyone.
In order to fulfill this commitment and protect the people, the environment, and property, Ram Iron & Metal Inc. shall provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment according to industry standards and in compliance with other legislative requirements.
Senior Management has the ultimate responsibility in ensuring that every reasonable precaution is taken to protect the health and safety of its employees; accordingly, they shall ensure that the appropriate training is provided, including Managers and Supervisors.
It is the responsibility of every Manager and Supervisor to comply with, and promote among their employees, the company philosophy of protecting health, safety and loss control. However, every employee is responsible for protecting their own health and safety by working in compliance with legislative requirements, and the safe work practices and procedures established by the company. Furthermore, every employee is expected to report any unsafe and/or unhealthy working conditions.
Contractors and their employees shall also be held accountable for meeting legislative requirements, and the safe work practices and procedures established by the company. By working together, hazards, which have the potential to result in personal injury or illness, and/or property damage or loss, can be corrected and incidents will be avoided.
Everyone's Responsibility